Kangaroo Island to Queensland - Up All Day and Night

Wednesday 25th September 2013
Kangaroo Island - Wild Kangaroos and Pina Coladas
Tuesday 24th September 2013
Tour of Kangaroo Island
Today we got up early to go on a tour of KI, for the first three days we'd stayed in Kingscote, there is no public transport on KI and everywhere is too far to walk to. Anyway we got up early:[...]
Monday 23rd September 2013
Kangaroo Island - First Time Backpacking
Today we said goodbye to our lovely unit and hello to our first time backpacking! It's great that we've been here since July and haven't backpacked at all yet. We are proper travellers ;) but really it's ironic that this was the first place we'd had to pay for but the worst place we'd stayed in. Not that it was bad or anything, it was very[...]
Sunday 22nd September 2013
Beaches on Kangaroo Island
Today it was terrifically sunny. We went back to the first beach and hung out:[...]
Saturday 21st September 2013
Wild Seals on Kangaroo Island!
We had to get up so early because we were going to Kangaroo Island! We were very excited, after the Great Barrier Reef, Ayers Rock and Sydney Opera House, Kangaroo Island is in the top five best places to go in Australia (according to my guide book)[...]
Wednesday 18th September 2013
The house we are living in is on a hill next to a reserve, so we have been seeing lots of nature [...]
Sunday 15th September 2013
Today Nick took us to the Barossa. The Barossa is a famous wine producing region near Adelaide [...]Friday 13th September 2013
Windy Point Restaurant
This evening Nick took us out for the most amazing dinner. This is what the view from the restuarant looks like: [...]
Wednesday 11th September 2013
Adelaide Royal Show
This morning we saw the koalas and this evening was just as good! My Grandpa's cousin Nick (so my first cousin twice removed..) picked us up and took us to the Royal Show in Adelaide. [...]
Wednesday 11th September 2013
Wild Koalas in South Australia
We've been living here over a week and have only heard koalas and seen koala poop [...]
Monday 9th September 2013
South Australian Museum

Today we went to the South Australian Museum, but first here's a picture of my mozzie bite:[...]
Saturday 7th September 2013
Botanic Gardens - Adelaide
Today was a beautiful day: [...]
Thursday 5th September 2013
My 22nd Birthday in Adelaide

Today was my 22nd birthday! It was strange to be without my family and friends, at first everything we did didn't seem very birthday like because every day here is like a birthday! [...]
Wednesday 4th September 2013
We arrived in South Australia to do our second Australian house sit. We stayed in Glen Osmond which is about 15 minutes drive from Adelaide [...]